Tyler Antoine


couples pump in sync
on the lonely tandem
I too am available tonight

can I be the only one
finding lawn chairs stacked together
resting on an old elm tree
truly erotic?

no and of course not
we all find appealing
ideas that fit
inside one another

the day we discovered that we were influencers
it was beautiful
the way we held each other

the private thoughts
we shared with one another
bounced off one another

and after we exported
the best parts for popular consumption
I felt like I could dream
forever there
with you

the brands that we could render
exquisite pearls
locked inside the shells
we like to call one another

what a wonderful feeling
I thought yes, finally
now we can sleep

sick and dreaming
eyes to the ceiling
dead to the world
run away to smoke
mad bowls on the beach
hidden away in your reef tent
all green
ever plastic

and I love the way the sun
glows through the screen
and onto your face

the way it renders
into a shape
that neither of us can touch
but still somehow share

Boneless Wings

hello again
from the hole in my head
it’s the size of a penny and smells like copper

Abraham Lincoln
(a man famous for appearing on pennies)
is taking my mom to Applebee’s
for their second date

$1 long island iced teas
half-price starter apps
their burps of satisfaction
will satisfy each other

as they make peace
with whatever can happen
like an antique clock
hammered into a hillside

I think sometimes
of taking all of my memories of you
and putting them on a boat
and leaving them there


another day
sun hangs high
you have to love it
you love to see it
see where the light
meets dusty blinds
takes away vision
ends stupid dreams

on the something
that loves you
me I just love
imagining its shape
the breakfast it serves you
the hiss of the morning skillet
I could be as tall as the morning
if I really set my mind to it
if I really thought about it
I could reach the sky
arms wide for lunch time
grasping at air
grasping at nothing

just another little girl
waiting for her mom
standing beside the knife case
at the local Salvation Army
staring at the floor and saying
this time I’m gonna do it
this time it’s gonna happen
this time I’m gonna fly

next author >>>>>

Tyler Antoine is from Wilmington, Delaware. His work has previously appeared in the little black book of bedfellows and the Painted Bride Quarterly.