Stacy Szymaszek

Granzino the Second    


 the only sounds I heard last night were my boot steps
              boiling water     and the ringing in my ears that started
in 2002            I no longer reside within
                  a church    or within earshot of bells        lost friend
              touched my face in a dream     and I told her how lonely
I had been using ESP     today I woke up to loping wind   welcomed
another sound      in the quietest mountain village 
                           never any reason to force anything    boots laced    water
boiling    my sociality    stored banter

                                                                                                B: Am I being clear?
                                                                                                A: (from audience) Ya.

 some knew this might be useful
              to other people                             you have mastered
                                                                                  butch winter
     I wear animals   
                                                            and gain new knowledge of my own body    
                                           as in     what becomes of it     
once glided down her
throat     you are beautiful I want to take off your underwear       

                         a crasser order undoes my shame       so I am her King
with a twist      a fir      coronet    lick her mid hriff
tame a faun       Granzino   
the Second 
end stop biological fathers on westward trains
“but you shall not escape my iambics”      the news is     we are prone
to the prosody of torpor     heartbeats they will never discover

all the liquids I poured were nearly black           fernet    coffee   stout           
either I am rock or tree     to quietly free my poor history

 an eggshell in Polish amber

What I Attach to are Her Decimals 


coffee aroma fueled insomniac
dreams          all ambition to vacate the premises in 7 days
                                                                                     in 1 piece

                 Tucson calling        it’s all very old-fashioned

 both Western       and Medieval      I am skirting the robes
           tho cannot       evade what my idolatry beckons

 so I roster    a chair    
my weight made kindling         a goblet that crashed off the sill
as I aired out     perhaps made
in Art
and blood                                                                                             
on the microfiber

watched 2 documentaries on Kevyn Aucoin
and cried too much              sounding some doomy pop theory about the cups
of queers raised in the ‘80s never
having a bottom     FALSE BOTTOMS?!      pour anything into us… do we
only become more self-contained?
Also   Aucoin    give us back our eyebrows

                                                I am I because my eyebrows are knowing wolves
slabs of knowing   
                                                                                                             (you jerk)
I am a beautiful butch with
high cheek bones I was born to be good
at knowing
what I hate
ergo capitalism

as if dividing my things into further storage units
can obscure my consumer history         books and beds and bikes                                                                                
my body takes me on a ride
I effloresce

maintaining some cardinal grip
on concepts of why funders fund     #1-3     boil source into ethos

6 figures your salvation –       
no    the toilet you went down to find it

 there are many who make
                                               their dissent palatable               and they will keep
                                                                                                                         bearing children
white tail specks on the mountain
red tail speck in the sky    from a tub I won’t see the likes of
my sottoprogramma     of laxity
let us to our royalties
                                        my home on the edge of another campus
      where my love notes              passersby taking pictures of the purple cactus
and reports that a larger Bialetti makes her                                
wonder if she has shrunk      
what I attach to
are her decimals   
the infinity of ways to kiss any inch of her
and knowing
any inch of me is knowable to her


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Stacy Szymaszek is the author of six books of poetry including A Year From Today (2018) and Famous Hermits (2021). She is currently writing more books in New York's Hudson Valley.