Romana Iorga


the medium sentence you wanted to live in 
had been heavily damaged in the flood. 
you said, we can repair it ourselves. 
no need for contractors. tears 
were copious that fall. 
ellipses kept 
the neighbor’s tree into our yard. i was 
always there with the broom, while 
you shopped for a saw. we were 
civil. one cannot simply 
close the door 
to a syllable 
and say 
nothing for the rest of the day. syntax 
was important and so was food 
on the table. and the children, 
of course. we put them 
to sleep inside 
we turned off the consonants, left 
the syllables ajar. you hung on 
to the tail of a semicolon, 
let it take you out 
for a walk. 
i curled 
inside a question mark 
with a good book. 
the sentence 
was silent, 
looking in through tall 
exclamation points, 
the em dashes 
between us 
on and 

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Originally from Chisinau, Moldova, Romana Iorga lives in Switzerland. She is the author of two poetry collections in Romanian. Her work in English has appeared or is forthcoming in Salamander, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, American Literary Review, and others, as well as on her poetry blog at