Rachel Milligan

To The Voice To Which You Speak

Most of the time
I’m a one-person

contest: To Think
the Worst Thing

Like did you leave
us because

you couldn’t get
what you want

What did
it feel like

to define it
to delineate

the borders of
your want

with that string
Did you know

I was someone
you were leaving

Though I know
how to erase

a history
without dying

who doesn’t
want to choose

the cleanest
route. Do you

still want?
The morning

someone on
the street tells

me I am THE


wonder what
it would be

like if I
did not take

every piece
of life straight

to my droning
hold indefinitely

What voice
would come out

Whose hand
Which bouquet

next author >>>

Rachel Milligan is a poet in Philadelphia. She is the author of Queen Carrion, chosen by Mary Ruefle as a finalist in the BOAAT Press 2015 Summer Chapbook Competition. She graduated from Temple University, the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and the US Department of State Critical Language Scholarship Program in Chinese. Her work can be found in Sixth Finch, The Iowa Review, BOAAT, smoking glue gun, and elsewhere.