Marisa Siegel


These are days 
that feel like the last;

I hardly muster 
energy to reach 
their end.

For instance, today 
the news is grim 
& no, I haven’t 
heard from you; 
it’s been two 
weeks without — 

fear gathers 
at the edges
of my bedroom 

The cat crawls away
from my hand, 
curls up instead 
by my feet 
because this is what 
those I love
do: come only close 
enough to draw 
me into a corner, 
keep the bend 
from breaking.

It is 5 p.m. 
& no one has eaten 
dinner, is ready 
to sleep, but I am 
heavy as a boulder, 
drowsy & dreading 
doing this again

next author >>>>>

Marisa Siegel holds an MFA from Mills College in Oakland, CA. Her essay "Inherited Anger" appears in the acclaimed anthology BURN IT DOWN (Seal Press, 2019) and her poetry chapbook FIXED STARS is out now from Burrow Press. Find her online at