Justin Marks



A society that systemically

is broken but daily must

function grinding people to dust

At work I watch videos of goats

climbing the sheer walls of a dam

to get at minerals in the rocks

necessary for their survival

Someone makes a weird noise

I now realize was a word

the name of a person they wanted

to reach An utterance

unanswered The pressure to not put

pressure on myself is intense

An arc that bends toward destruction

A vision that declares itself

an illusion I misread love as leave

and sit with that confusion

Have nothing to hide


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Justin Marks’ books are If This Should Reach You in Time (Barrelhouse Books, 2022), The Comedown (Publishing Genius Press, 2021), You’re Going to Miss Me When You’re Bored (Barrelhouse Books, 2014) and A Million in Prizes (New Issues, 2009). He is a co-founder of Birds, LLC, an independent poetry press, and lives in New York City with his family.