Francesca Kritikos



Too lazy to suck from a straw

or lock my doors

I don't have the instincts

that other animals do

Still I wash my feet

For each day a man lives

I live two

I was the love of his life

but I had to choose

The heart of a hunter

must be lonely

I throw my cigarette into the rain

Tell it good luck starting a fire

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Francesca Kritikos is a Greek-American writer and editor based in Chicago. She is the editor in chief of SARKA, a journal and publisher focused on works of the flesh. Her latest book, SWEET BLOODY SALTY CLEAN, was published in 2023 by Feral Dove. Her works of poetry, autofiction, and nonfiction have been published in English, Greek, and French in numerous online and print journals. She also writes a Substack on poetry and the body called Body Composition.