Ceridwen Hall

Crossing Nebraska

April 2020

This is siege, this is war, says my car radio.

Grass oceans test my wariness and reporters warn

of hotspots, a growing frontline. Repeat: 

our throats are rigged, our lungs smuggling weapons 

into each word. A mournful choir rises 

around the anchor’s voice. I listen too hard 

to feel much, trying to pull facts from static

as I follow the highway through wind and vastness. 

Heaven or hell? the billboards ask, then they offer

me guns and fireworks, demand babies from heartbeats

in women they will not shield. We split 

at the center into needs and freedoms, then cities, 

fields, parasites and hosts. This isn’t war,        

we’re undergoing, but fission. Sunset glows

in the rearview, a searing, brooding past.

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Ceridwen Hall is a poet and book coach. She helps poets and novelists plan, create, and revise compelling manuscripts with one-on-one coaching and inspiring feedback. She holds a PhD from the University of Utah and is the author of two chapbooks: Automotive (Finishing Line Press) and Excursions (Train Wreck Press). Her work has appeared in TriQuarterly, Pembroke Magazine, Tar River Poetry, The Cincinnati Review, and other journals. You can find her at www.ceridwenhall.com.